Loving Neighbors Preschool

Loving Neighbors Preschool logoLoving Neighbors Preschool is accepting full-time child care students from infants up through age 5. Visit the website here.

For more information, please email info@lovingneighborspreschool.org, or call the office at (231) 935-4556.

Join us as we work together with the community to help address the issue of limited childcare options in the Grand Traverse area. Over a year ago, our church family looked at our building and realized that we had excess space that could be used for childcare. With that idea (dream), fostered by a leap of faith, supported by prayers and many meetings, we are full speed ahead on making our dream a reality… Loving Neighbors Preschool.

Now we need your help to meet our fundraising goal of $50,000. Please consider a tax deductible donation of $500 or more to help secure the funds needed for building updates, hiring staff and purchasing supplies and equipment. We are so excited to be helping young families in our community!

Or make your check payable to “NLCC Loving Neighbors Preschool” and send to:

Northern Lakes Community Church
5444 Herkner Road
Traverse City, MI 49685

Read a recent Ticker article about the project and other church childcare projects here

Watch the UpNorthLive news segment about Loving Neighbors Preschool’s Grand Opening here.