
Below is a list of our church leadership and staff, including the elders who establish church policy and govern the church, and the deacons who minister to the congregation. Feel free to contact any of the people below for more information on Northern Lakes Community Church.

Rev. Dr. Sam JunOur Pastor

On Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019, NLCC called a new pastor, the Rev. Dr. Sam Sungsoo Jun. Pastor Sam earned his Master’s in Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey, and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He most recently served as Associate Pastor at Pines Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas, where he focused on Youth and Family, Congregational Care, and Mission. Prior to that he was a Lilly Resident in Pastoral Ministry at the First Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Email Pastor Sam Jun

Our Elders

  • Sue Van Aelst – Personnel – smva202@aol.com, Class of 2024
  • Julie Burton – Mission & Preschool – julie.j.burtontc@gmail.com, Class of 2024
  • Mark Bondy – Finance and Stewardship – TCMbondy@outlook.com, Class of 2024
  • Sue Fink – Clerk of Session and Worship – suefink@umich.edu, Class of 2024
  • Joe Schmidt – Property – joe.schmidt@cbgreatlakes.com, Class of 2025
  • Melynn Jenner – Congregational Care – jenrusm@gmail.com, Class of 2025
  • Pat Thompson – Administration, Communications, & IT – patriciathompson0808@gmail.com, Class of 2024 

Our Deacons

  • Kathy Gauthier – dkgauthier@yahoo.com, Class of 2024
  • Chris Bush – cbush330@gmail.com, Class of 2025
  • Amy Elliott – amysue432@yahoo.com, Class of 2024
  • Bev Adams – bjacedar@yahoo.com, Class of 2024
  • Brenda Lewis – bsla4ma@gmail.com, Class of 2024
  • Sue Messner – rsmessner@yahoo.com, Class of 2024