
The links below are to recent recordings of services and sermons by Pastor Sam Jun unless otherwise noted. Select the Bible passage next to the sermon title to read the passage in a new window. (Find older videos on NLCC’s YouTube channel –

September 1: “Never Give Up?!: 2 Corinthians 4:8–9 & Hebrews 12:1

August 25 sermon by Julie Dowty, CP: “Believe and Receive! Easy, right?”, New Testament Epistle: Romans 10:5-15; Gospel: Matthew 14:22-33

August 18 sermon by Jill Justin: “Spoiler Alert!”, Isaiah 55:6-11 and John 10:22-30

August 11: “Who Knows You Best?”, John 4:5-26

August 4: “Is NLCC Crazy?!”, Mark 3:20-27

July 28: “From Woe to Hope”, Jeremiah 23:1-6 & 2 Samuel 7:1-14a

July 21: “Words of Love” sermon Series #10: “No Coveting”, Exodus 20:17

July 14: “Words of Love” sermon Series #9: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”, Exodus 20:16

July 7: “Words of Love” sermon Series #8: “You Shall Not Steal”, Exodus 20:15

June 30: “Words of Love” sermon Series #7: “You Shall Not Commit Adultery”, Exodus 20:13

June 23: “Words of Love” sermon Series #6: “You Shall Not Murder”, Exodus 20:13

June 16: “Words of Love” sermon Series #5: “Honor Your Father and Mother”, Exodus 20:12

June 9 sermon by Julie Dowty, CRE: “Renewed Day by Day”, Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1, Gospel Reading: Mark 3:20-35

June 2: “Words of Love” sermon Series #4: “Remember & Keep Sabbath Day”, Exodus 20:8–11

May 26: “Words of Love” sermon Series #3: “No Wrongful Use Of God’s Name”, Exodus 20:7

May 19: “Words of Love” sermon Series #2: “No Other Gods Before Me”, Exodus 20:3–4

May 12: “Words of Love” sermon Series #1: “I Am the Lord Your God”, Exodus 20:1–2

May 5: “Troubling with Obeying Orders?”, John 15:9-17

April 28: “Abide In God!”, John 15:1-8

April 21: Special Worship Service with Kristen Jane Anderson, author of “Life, In Spite of Me”

April 14: “The Good Shepherd’s Love”, John 3:16-24 & 10:11-18

April 7: “The Gift of Death?!”, John 20:19-31

April 4 Memorial Service for Doug Gauthier

Easter Sunday, March 31: “Mark’s Easter”, Mark 16:1-8

Good Friday, March 29: “The Only Way to Life?!”, John 18:1-19:42

March 24: “The End of Jesus’ Journey?”, Luke 19:28-38; 23:1-5, 18-21, 32-33 & 44-46

March 17: “The Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Deliver Us From Evil” (Lenten sermon Series #5), Matthew 6:13

March 10: “The Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Forgive Us Our Debts” (Lenten sermon Series #2), Matthew 6:12

March 3: “The Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Give Us This Day” (Lenten sermon Series #3), Matthew 6:11

February 25: “The Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Thy Kingdom Come” (Lenten sermon Series #2), Matthew 6:10

February 18: “The Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Our Father in Heaven” (Lenten sermon Series #1), Matthew 6:9–14

February 14 Ash Wednesday Service

February 11: “Spiritually Blinded?”, John 9:1-8, 13-16, 30-34, 39-40

February 4: “My Will or God’s Will?”, 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

January 28: “The 21st Century Miracle”, Mark 1:21-28

January 21: “Serve in Christ’s Name?”, Luke 17:5-10

January 14: “Christian, Christian, What Do You See?”, John 1:43-51

January 7: “Baptism of Love?”, Mark 1:4-11

December 31 sermon by Jill Justin: “So I Can Tell”, 1 John 4: 7-12

December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: “”What Matters Most at Christmas”, Luke 2:1-14

December 24: “God’s Love Is Real!”, Matthew 1:18-25, 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 & 1 John 4:7-21

December 17: “Journey of Joy”, Luke 1:39-55

December 10: “Prince of Peace”, Isaiah 9:2-7 & Philippians 4:6-9

December 3: “Hope of the World”, Psalm 25:1-10 & 1 Peter 1:3-9

November 26: “Why We Sing?”, Psalm 146

November 19: “Jesus’ Way of Giving?”, Luke 21:1-6

November 12: “Life of Thanksgiving”, Luke 17:11-19

November 5: “Still Under Construction?”, Matthew 5:1-12

October 29: “What Is Truth?”, John 18:33-38

October 22: “Mystery of Prayer?”, Jeremiah 31:31-34 & Luke 18:1-8

October 15: “Mystery of Prayer”, Jeremiah 31:31-34 & Luke 18:1-8

October 8 sermon by Rev. Ewen Holmes: “What Are You Spilling?”, Micah 6:6-8 & Galatians 5:22-26

October 1: “What Kind of Person Do I Want to Be?”, Philippians 3:4a-14

September 30 Memorial Service for Karen Fink

September 24: “Moral Reasoning of the Gospel?”, Philemon 1:1-16

September 17 sermon by Jill Justin: “New Every Morning”, Lamentations 3:19-33

September 10: “Do I Need to Sacrifice?”, Mark 8:27-38

September 3: “Which Foundations?”, Luke 6:46-49

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